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jQuery API

by 미니토이 2012. 2. 9.

원문 : api.jquery.com

jQuery API


  • jQuery.tmpl()

    Render the specified HTML content as a template, using the specified data.

  • jQuery.tmplItem()

    Return the tmplItem data structure for the rendered template that the specified element is part of.

  • .link()

    Link changes to the matched elements to an object.

  • .template()

    Compile the contents of the matched element as a reusable compiled template.

  • jQuery.template()

    Create a reusable named template (compiled from markup).

  • {{each}} Template Tag

    Used to iterate over a data array, and render the content between the opening and closing template tags once for each data item.

  • {{else}} Template Tag

    Used in association with the {{if}}...{{/if}} tag to provide alternative content based on the values of one or more expressions. The {{else}} tag can be used without a parameter, as in: {{if a}}...{{else}}...{{/if}}, or with a parameter, as in: {{if a}}...{{else b}}...{{/if}}.

  • ${} Template Tag

    Used for insertion of data values in the rendered template. Evaluates the specified field (property) on the current data item, or the specified JavaScript function or expression.

  • {{html}} Template Tag

    Used for insertion of HTML markup strings in the rendered template. Evaluates the specified field on the current data item, or the specified JavaScript function or expression.

  • {{if}} Template Tag

    Used for conditional insertion of content. Renders the content between the opening and closing template tags only if the specified data item field, JavaScript function or expression does not evaluate to false (or to zero, null, type "undefined", or the empty string ).

  • {{tmpl}} Template Tag

    Used for composition of templates. Renders one or more nested template items within the rendered output of the parent template.

  • {{wrap}} Template Tag

    Used for composition of templates which incorporate wrapped HTML content. Rendered template items can combine wrapped HTML content with template markup.

  • .tmpl()

    Take the first element in the matched set and render its content as a template, using the specified data.

  • .tmplItem()

    Return the tmplItem data structure for the rendered template that the matched element is part of.

  • .unlink()

    Remove a previously created link.

